| 2017-01-17
İngiltere’de yayın yapan The Times gazetesi, Türkiye ile ilgili çarpıcı bir haber yayınladı.
Haber, Avrupa Birliği İstihbarat Merkezi INTCEN’in 15 Temmuz raporunu içeriyor.
İngiliz The Times gazetesi, dünya haberleri sayfasında Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın ordudaki görevden almaları 15 Temmuz’daki darbe öncesi planladığına dair bir istihbarat raporunu yazdı.Bruno Waterfield’ın Brüksel’den yazdığı habere göre Avrupa Birliği istihbarat merkezi INTCEN’in raporunda Erdoğan’ın ordudaki tasfiyeyi 15 Temmuz darbe girişimi öncesi planladığı öne sürülüyor. BBC Türkçe’nin aktardığı haberde şu ifadelere yer veriliyor: “Bu rapor Türk hükümetinin öne sürdüğü, Fethullah Gülen’in darbe girişiminin arkasında olduğu iddialarıyla çelişiyor.”
24 Ağustos 2016 tarihli raporda şu ifadelerin yer aldığı aktarılıyor:
“Bir darbe yapma kararı, yaklaşmakta olan tasfiyenin korkusuyla alındı. Gülenciler, Kemalistler (sekülerler), AKP muhalifleri ve fırsatçılardan oluşan bir grup askerin darbe girişiminin arkasında olması olası. Gülen’in girişimde doğrudan rol almış olması ise düşük ihtimal. Darbe girişimi, önceden planlanan görevden almalar için hızlandırıcı bir etki yarattı.”
Times’ta yayınlanan rapora göre, Fethullah Gülen’in müritlerinin onlarca yıldır devlet içinde gizlice örgütlenerek, “Erdoğan’ın hareketlerini kontrol edebilen ve ülkedeki durumu etkileyebilen” bir güce ulaştığı, fakat ordu içindeki FETÖ’cülerin darbe yapacak güçte olmadığı ve bunun Türk hükümetinin iddialarıyla çeliştiği belirtiliyor.
© 2017
Gulen did not order Turkey coup, EU spies say
Andrew Rettman
Exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen did not order the coup in Turkey, a leaked document from EU intelligence services says.
The document, written by the EU’s intelligence-sharing unit, Intcen, also says a post-coup purge of supposed Gulen supporters led by president Recep Tayyip Erdogan was designed to deepen his grip on power.
The revelations shed light on the EU’s reaction to the failed coup, and show how Europe’s intelligence agencies regard Gulen as the “master” of an “anti-Semitic and anti-Christian” movement.
They also put an unwelcome spotlight on Intcen.
“It is likely that a group of officers comprising Gulenists, Kemalists, opponents of the AKP, and opportunists was behind the coup. It is unlikely that Gulen himself played a role,” the document said.
“It is unlikely that Gulen really had the capabilities and capacities to take such steps.”
Kemalists are secularist Turks who oppose the Islamist views of Erdogan’s AKP political party.
The EU intelligence report said individual Gulenist military officers, who did not rank above lieutenant or captain, might have felt “under pressure” to join the coup attempt in July because they knew that Erdogan had anyway planned to go after them in August.
The report said his “upcoming purge” would have seen them being prosecuted for terrorist offences.
The EU report said Erdogan was trying to dismantle Gulen’s movement in Turkey because it was his “one and only real rival” in his bid to rule the country via “a full presidential system”.
It also said he “exploited” the coup to launch a wider “repressive campaign against the opponents of the AKP” for the sake of “personal ambitions”.
It said that the MIT, Turkey’s intelligence service, began compiling lists of “troublesome individuals” years ago.
It said the lists also contained the names of “civil activists” who took part in anti-Erdogan protests in Gezi Park, Istanbul, in 2013.
“The huge wave of arrests in the days following the coup attempt was already previously prepared. The coup was just a catalyst for the crackdown prepared in advance,” the intelligence report said.
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