ScienceDaily Top Science Headlines
for Saturday, July 7, 2012
Above-normal weight alone does not necessarily increase short-term risk of death, U.S. data suggest (July 6, 2012) — An evaluation of national U.S. data has found that extra weight is not necessarily linked with a higher risk of death. When compared to those with normal weight, people who were overweight or obese had no increased risk of death during a follow-up period of six years. People who were severely obese did have a higher risk, but only if they also had diabetes or hypertension. … > full story
Unsuccessful fertility drug users have reduced breast cancer risk, study suggests (July 6, 2012) — Women using fertility drugs who did not conceive a 10-plus week pregnancy were at a statistically significant reduced risk of breast cancer compared to nonusers; however, women using the drugs who conceived a 10-plus week pregnancy had a statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer compared to unsuccessfully treated women, but a comparable risk to nonusers, according to a new study. … > full story
Keeping the flu away: Synthetic protein activates immune system within two hours (July 6, 2012) — Researchers may have found the secret to helping the immune system fight off the flu before it gets you sick. A new study finds that EP67, a powerful synthetic protein, is able to activate the innate immune system within just two hours of being administered. … > full story
Close-up of active galactic nucleus: First interferometric signals between Effelsberg telescope and orbital radio telescope Spektr-R (July 6, 2012) — Researchers in Germany and Russia have obtained the first detection of interferometric signals between the Effelsberg 100-m telescope and the space-bound radio telescope satellite Spektr-R. The distance between the two radio telescopes is up to 350,000 kilometres — which corresponds to a virtual telescope of this aperture and an angular resolution of about 40 micro arc seconds. Both telescopes were targeted at BL Lacertae, an Active Galactic Nucleus at a distance of approximately 900 million light years. … > full story
Algae extract increases good cholesterol levels, research finds (July 6, 2012) — Researchers have found that an extract from algae could become a key to regulating cardiovascular disease. Scientists have found that dietary intake of ProAlgaZyme increased the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in an animal model. … > full story
Patients trust doctors but consult the Internet (July 6, 2012) — Patients look up their illnesses online to become better informed and prepared to play an active role in their care — not because they mistrust their doctors, a new study suggests. The study surveyed more than 500 people who were members of online support groups and had scheduled appointments with a physician. … > full story
Zebrafish reveal promising process for healing spinal cord injury (July 6, 2012) — Scientists are studying the mechanisms of spinal cord repair in zebrafish, which unlike humans and other mammals can regenerate their spinal cord following injury. Their findings suggest a family of molecules called fibroblast growth factors could be a therapeutic target for encouraging nerve regeneration. … > full story
A surprise win or loss impacts taking future risks (July 6, 2012) — People appear to decrease their risk-taking levels after experiencing any surprising outcome – even positive ones. … > full story
Zebrafish provide insights into causes and treatment of human diseases (July 6, 2012) — Zebrafish, popular as an aquarium fish, have an important place in research labs as a model organism for studying human diseases. They enable scientists to examine the basic biological mechanisms underlying human disorders and identify potential treatment approaches for an array of organ and systemic diseases. … > full story
Physical education mandates not enough in most U.S. states, study finds (July 6, 2012) — Children need quality physical education to combat obesity and lead healthy lives. Georgia elementary schools make the grade when it comes to providing that education, but middle and high schools in the state don’t even come close, according to a new study. … > full story
Heat, rainfall affect pathogenic mosquito abundance in catch basins (July 6, 2012) — Rainfall and temperature affect the abundance of two mosquito species linked to West Nile Virus in storm catch basins in suburban Chicago, researchers report. … > full story
Microscope probe-sharpening technique improves resolution, durability (July 6, 2012) — A simple new improvement to an essential microscope component could greatly improve imaging for researchers who study the very small, from cells to computer chips. Researchers developed a technique to sharpen microscope probes, giving images much higher resolution, and a coating to make the probes durable. … > full story
ScienceDaily Health Headlines
for Saturday, July 7, 2012
Above-normal weight alone does not necessarily increase short-term risk of death, U.S. data suggest (July 6, 2012) — An evaluation of national U.S. data has found that extra weight is not necessarily linked with a higher risk of death. When compared to those with normal weight, people who were overweight or obese had no increased risk of death during a follow-up period of six years. People who were severely obese did have a higher risk, but only if they also had diabetes or hypertension. … > full story
Unsuccessful fertility drug users have reduced breast cancer risk, study suggests (July 6, 2012) — Women using fertility drugs who did not conceive a 10-plus week pregnancy were at a statistically significant reduced risk of breast cancer compared to nonusers; however, women using the drugs who conceived a 10-plus week pregnancy had a statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer compared to unsuccessfully treated women, but a comparable risk to nonusers, according to a new study. … > full story
Keeping the flu away: Synthetic protein activates immune system within two hours (July 6, 2012) — Researchers may have found the secret to helping the immune system fight off the flu before it gets you sick. A new study finds that EP67, a powerful synthetic protein, is able to activate the innate immune system within just two hours of being administered. … > full story
Algae extract increases good cholesterol levels, research finds (July 6, 2012) — Researchers have found that an extract from algae could become a key to regulating cardiovascular disease. Scientists have found that dietary intake of ProAlgaZyme increased the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in an animal model. … > full story
Patients trust doctors but consult the Internet (July 6, 2012) — Patients look up their illnesses online to become better informed and prepared to play an active role in their care — not because they mistrust their doctors, a new study suggests. The study surveyed more than 500 people who were members of online support groups and had scheduled appointments with a physician. … > full story
Zebrafish reveal promising process for healing spinal cord injury (July 6, 2012) — Scientists are studying the mechanisms of spinal cord repair in zebrafish, which unlike humans and other mammals can regenerate their spinal cord following injury. Their findings suggest a family of molecules called fibroblast growth factors could be a therapeutic target for encouraging nerve regeneration. … > full story
A surprise win or loss impacts taking future risks (July 6, 2012) — People appear to decrease their risk-taking levels after experiencing any surprising outcome – even positive ones. … > full story
Zebrafish provide insights into causes and treatment of human diseases (July 6, 2012) — Zebrafish, popular as an aquarium fish, have an important place in research labs as a model organism for studying human diseases. They enable scientists to examine the basic biological mechanisms underlying human disorders and identify potential treatment approaches for an array of organ and systemic diseases. … > full story
Physical education mandates not enough in most U.S. states, study finds (July 6, 2012) — Children need quality physical education to combat obesity and lead healthy lives. Georgia elementary schools make the grade when it comes to providing that education, but middle and high schools in the state don’t even come close, according to a new study. … > full story
Finding right meditation technique key to user satisfaction (July 6, 2012) — A new study highlights the importance of ensuring those new to meditation select the most comfortable, rather than the most popular, method. The results show the value of providing new practitioners simpler, more accessible methods while also emphasizing no one technique is best for everyone. … > full story
Loss of protein SPDEF allows prostate cancer cells to gain foothold at possible sites of metastasis (July 6, 2012) — Prostate cancer kills only by metastasis to other tissues. A new study shows likely mechanism required for this metastasis: cells’ loss of protein SPDEF. The presence of SPDEF could be used to recognize prostate cancers that can’t kill and so don’t require treatment. Adding SPDEF back to cancer cells that have lost it may remove cells’ ability to metastasize. … > full story
World’s fastest camera used to detect rogue cancer cells (July 6, 2012) — Researchers report integrating the world’s fastest camera with advanced microfluidics and real-time image processing to classify cells in blood samples. The new blood screening technology boasts a throughput of 100,000 cells per second which is approximately 100 times higher than conventional imaging-based blood analyzers. The technology performs real-time detection of extremely rare cells in a large sample of normal cells with high sensitivity and statistical accuracy in a short period of time. … > full story
ScienceDaily Technology Headlines
for Saturday, July 7, 2012
Close-up of active galactic nucleus: First interferometric signals between Effelsberg telescope and orbital radio telescope Spektr-R (July 6, 2012) — Researchers in Germany and Russia have obtained the first detection of interferometric signals between the Effelsberg 100-m telescope and the space-bound radio telescope satellite Spektr-R. The distance between the two radio telescopes is up to 350,000 kilometres — which corresponds to a virtual telescope of this aperture and an angular resolution of about 40 micro arc seconds. Both telescopes were targeted at BL Lacertae, an Active Galactic Nucleus at a distance of approximately 900 million light years. … > full story
Patients trust doctors but consult the Internet (July 6, 2012) — Patients look up their illnesses online to become better informed and prepared to play an active role in their care — not because they mistrust their doctors, a new study suggests. The study surveyed more than 500 people who were members of online support groups and had scheduled appointments with a physician. … > full story
Microscope probe-sharpening technique improves resolution, durability (July 6, 2012) — A simple new improvement to an essential microscope component could greatly improve imaging for researchers who study the very small, from cells to computer chips. Researchers developed a technique to sharpen microscope probes, giving images much higher resolution, and a coating to make the probes durable. … > full story
World’s fastest camera used to detect rogue cancer cells (July 6, 2012) — Researchers report integrating the world’s fastest camera with advanced microfluidics and real-time image processing to classify cells in blood samples. The new blood screening technology boasts a throughput of 100,000 cells per second which is approximately 100 times higher than conventional imaging-based blood analyzers. The technology performs real-time detection of extremely rare cells in a large sample of normal cells with high sensitivity and statistical accuracy in a short period of time. … > full story
Aqueous iron interacts as strong as solid iron (July 6, 2012) — Scientists have applied a new method — “inverse Partial Fluorescence Yield” (iPFY) on micro-jets — which will enable them to probe the electronic structure of liquids free of sample damages. The experiments are performed in vacuum conditions at the LiXEdrom experimental chamber, where a fluid stream of micrometer diameter is moving freely through vacuum and is continuously irradiated with X-ray radiation. … > full story
E-waste: Annual gold, silver ‘deposits’ in new high-tech goods worth B; less than 15% recovered (July 6, 2012) — A staggering 320 tons of gold and more than 7,500 tons of silver are now used annually to make PCs, cell phones, tablet computers and other new electronic and electrical products worldwide, adding more than billion in value each year to the rich fortunes in metals eventually available through “urban mining” of e-waste, experts say. … > full story
Spaceflight may extend the lifespan of microscopic worm (July 6, 2012) — The effect of spaceflight on a microscopic worm — Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) — could help it live longer. The discovery was made by scientists studying the loss of bone and muscle mass experienced by astronauts after extended flights in space. … > full story
Most accurate robotic legs mimic human walking gait (July 6, 2012) — A group of researchers has produced a robotic set of legs which they believe is the first to fully model walking in a biologically accurate manner. … > full story
Dust today, gone tomorrow: Astronomers discover Houdini-like vanishing act in space (July 5, 2012) — Astronomers report a baffling discovery never seen before: An extraordinary amount of dust around a nearby star has mysteriously disappeared. “It’s as if the rings around Saturn had disappeared,” said an astronomer. … > full story
Life’s molecules could lie within reach of Mars Curiosity rover (July 5, 2012) — Stick a shovel in the ground and scoop. That’s about how deep scientists need to go in order to find evidence for ancient life on Mars, if there is any to be found, a new study suggests. The new findings, which suggest optimal depths and locations to probe for organic molecules like those that compose living organisms as we know them, could help the newest Mars rover scout for evidence of life beneath the surface and within rocks. … > full story
Novel nanotherapeutic delivers clot-busting drugs directly to obstructed blood vessels (July 5, 2012) — Researchers have developed a novel biomimetic strategy that delivers life-saving nanotherapeutics directly to obstructed blood vessels, dissolving blood clots before they cause serious damage or even death. This new approach enables thrombus dissolution while using only a fraction of the drug dose normally required, thereby minimizing bleeding side effects that currently limit widespread use of clot-busting drugs. … > full story
Like it or not, Facebook and friends can be used to influence health behavior (July 5, 2012) — Whether the goal is to curb smoking at a local school or to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases within a community, it is important to understand the social structure of the group and the dynamics of influence at play, according to public health research. … > full story
ScienceDaily Environment Headlines
for Saturday, July 7, 2012
Keeping the flu away: Synthetic protein activates immune system within two hours (July 6, 2012) — Researchers may have found the secret to helping the immune system fight off the flu before it gets you sick. A new study finds that EP67, a powerful synthetic protein, is able to activate the innate immune system within just two hours of being administered. … > full story
Algae extract increases good cholesterol levels, research finds (July 6, 2012) — Researchers have found that an extract from algae could become a key to regulating cardiovascular disease. Scientists have found that dietary intake of ProAlgaZyme increased the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in an animal model. … > full story
Heat, rainfall affect pathogenic mosquito abundance in catch basins (July 6, 2012) — Rainfall and temperature affect the abundance of two mosquito species linked to West Nile Virus in storm catch basins in suburban Chicago, researchers report. … > full story
Arctic warming linked to combination of reduced sea ice and global atmospheric warming (July 6, 2012) — The combination of melting sea ice and global atmospheric warming are contributing to the high rate of warming in the Arctic, where temperatures are increasing up to four times faster than the global average, a new study has shown. … > full story
E-waste: Annual gold, silver ‘deposits’ in new high-tech goods worth B; less than 15% recovered (July 6, 2012) — A staggering 320 tons of gold and more than 7,500 tons of silver are now used annually to make PCs, cell phones, tablet computers and other new electronic and electrical products worldwide, adding more than billion in value each year to the rich fortunes in metals eventually available through “urban mining” of e-waste, experts say. … > full story
Spaceflight may extend the lifespan of microscopic worm (July 6, 2012) — The effect of spaceflight on a microscopic worm — Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) — could help it live longer. The discovery was made by scientists studying the loss of bone and muscle mass experienced by astronauts after extended flights in space. … > full story
Increased growth responsible for color changes in coral reefs (July 6, 2012) — New insight has been provided into the basic immune response and repair mechanisms of corals to disease and changing environmental conditions. The study found that increased growth is the underlying physiological process associated with disease, wounding and stress-related color changes in reef-building corals. … > full story
What makes us musical animals (July 6, 2012) — Researchers argue that at least two, seemingly trivial musical skills can be considered fundamental to the evolution of music: relative pitch – the skill to recognize a melody independent of its pitch level – and beat induction – the skill to pick up regularity (the beat) from a varying rhythm. Both are considered cognitive mechanisms that are essential to perceive, make and appreciate music, and, as such, could be argued to be conditional to the origin of music. … > full story
How bacteria sense salt stress (July 6, 2012) — Scientists’ finding is a major breakthrough in understanding a decades-old problem of how bacteria detect environmental changes. … > full story
Stop and go: ‘Traffic officer’ protein directs crucial step in cell division (July 6, 2012) — A traffic officer standing at a busy intersection directing the flow of vehicles may be a rare sight these days, but a similar scene appears to still frequently play out in our cells. A protein called Lem4 directs a crucial step of cell division by preventing the progress of one molecule while waving another through, scientists have found. … > full story
First ‘bottom-up’ estimates of China’s CO2 emissions (July 6, 2012) — Atmospheric scientists have produced the first “bottom-up” estimates of China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, for 2005 to 2009, and the first statistically rigorous estimates of the uncertainties surrounding China’s CO2 emissions. … > full story
Extreme heat raises climate change questions, concerns (July 5, 2012) — The recent heat wave baking much of the country has prompted many people to ask: Is this due to climate change? … > full story
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