Erdoğan, Davutoğlu, Fidan ve Obama hakkında şok başvuru *** Hey! Leaders! Leave Our Kids Alone!

Mehmet Yaşar Yıldız

Çarşamba, 15 Ekim 2014

Erdoğan, Davutoğlu, Fidan ve Obama hakkında şok başvuru
Kabul edilirse ‘savaş suçlusu’ olarak yargılanacaklar

Libya’da, Irak’ta ve Suriye’de işlenen savaş suçları Aydınlık Daily yazarı James Ryan tarafından Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi’ne taşındı. Ryan, ABD ve Türkiye gibi bazı ülkelerin Roma Hukuku’nu çiğnediğini öne sürdü

ABD West Point Askeri Akademisi’nden emekli ve aynı zamanda Aydınlık Daily yazarı James Ryan, ABD ve Türkiye’nin de içinde bulunduğu bir dizi ülke için, Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi Roma Kanununun 7. ve 8. maddelerini ihlal ettikleri gerekçesiyle suç duyurusunda bulundu. Ryan suç duyurusunun gerekçelerini ise bir rapor haline getirip Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesine sundu. Söz konusu raporda Ryan, Suriye’deki binlerce insanın ölümünden, başta ABD olmak üzere İngiltere, Fransa, Türkiye, Suudi Arabistan, Katar, Belçika, Bulgaristan, Romanya ve Hırvatistan’ı sorumlu tutuyor.


ABD’nin Suriye’deki rejimi değiştirmek için desteklediği Özgür Suriye Ordusu’na (ÖSO) Katar ve Suudi Arabistan’ın finansal destek verdiğini belirten Ryan, Türkiye’nin ise Hatay’ın güneyinde Suriye sınırında sağladığı destek konusunda anahtar bir rol üstlendiğini ifade ediyor. Ryan, Türkiye’nin Esad karşıtı Özgür Suriye Ordusu’na(ÖSO) hastane, barınma desteği ve eğitimleri konusunda da önemli katkıları olduğunu belirtiyor.

Sunulan raporda Irak’ın 2003’te işgal edilmesinden, Libya’da Muammer Kaddafi’nin yıkılması için muhalif teröristlere verilen silah ve para yardımlarına kadar olan savaş suçlarını içeren bir dizi iddia bulunuyor. Ryan bununla birlikte IŞİD terörünün de bu devletlerin silah ve para yardımı yaparak büyütüldüğünü belirtiyor.

Aydınlık Daily yazarı Ryan yazmış olduğu raporda, 2003’te Irak’ın işgal edilmesinin ve bugün Suriye’nin bombalanmasının yasadışı olduğunu vurguluyor. Roma Hukuku’na göre, imzacı ülkerin Uluslararası kamuoyunu etkileyecek derecede ciddi suçları (soykırım, insanlık karşıtı suçlar, savaş suçları gibi) işlemesi durumunda yargılanma şartını kabul ettiğini belirten Ryan, Batının parası ve orduları aracılığla yasadışı para ve silah yardımı yapıldığı ve İslam Devleti(IŞİD) gibi canavarların ortaya çıkartıldığını vurguluyor.

Ryan raporda, Batılı devletlerın şimdi ise yarattıkları canavarı ortadan kaldırmaya çalıştıklarını ifade ediyor. James Ryan, ABD, Türkiye, Katar ve Suudi Arabistan, Roma Hukuku’na imza atmayan ülkeler olmasına rağmen iddia edilen suçları Romanya, Ürdün gibi imza atan ülkelerle ortak gerçekleştirdikleri için Uluslararsı Ceza Mahkemesi yargı statüsüne dahil oldukları belirtiyor.


James Ryan, bu sebeplerin Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi’ne şikayet etmek için yeterli olduğunu vurguluyor. Ryan’ın Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi’ne sunduğu raporda ABD’den Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton ve John Kerry gibi isimler, Türkiye’den ise Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ahmet Davutoğlu ve Hakan Fidan gibi isimler suçu işleyenler arasında gösteriliyor. Son olarak raporunda bu suçlara karşı alınacak yasal önlemleri açıklayan Aydınlık Daily yazarı James Ryan suçlu olduğunu iddia ettiği kurum ve kişilerin işledikleri suçlara ait belge ve konuşmaları yer ve zaman belirterek raporda belirtiyor.


James Ryan
Published 14-10-2014

Hey! Leaders! Leave Our Kids Alone!

James Ryan discussed his criminal complaint against 12 countries including the US and Turkey to the International Criminal Court due to war crimes and shows us the way to deal with the criminal politicians turning world into a mass grave.

They must be stopped, these so-called leaders, these so-called champions of democracy, these war criminals, these killers of hope and truth and youth.

And they must be stopped now! That’s why I requested in my Criminal Complaint that the International Criminal Court (ICC) issue warrants for the arrest of the 27 accused so-called world leaders who by their deeds are enemies of humanity. They are armed and dangerous. They finance, arm and encourage the scum of the world as illegal mercenaries to overthrow a sovereign nation, Syria. They continue to commit the crime of aggression and crimes against humanity thus violating Articles 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute, a body of law dedicated to the prevention of grave crimes that threaten peace.

If you haven’t read my interview in Aydinlik Daily at, if you haven’t read the Criminal Complaint I filed with the International Criminal Court at, or the press release at you should. Therein you will learn the details regarding my Criminal Complaint entitled Criminal Carnage in Syria by the Criminal Cabal for Perpetual War.

But in the interests of time, and time is scarce because the Cabal’s deeds are foul and fast, I list their names below:

U.S. citizens

Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton (Foreign Minister-FM), John Forbes Kerry (FM), John Owen Brennan (CIA), Michael Joseph Morell (CIA), David Howell Petraeus (CIA), and Leon Edward Panetta (CIA);

Turkish citizens

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (PM), Ahmet Davutoğlu (FM) and Hakan Fidan (MIT);

Saudi Arabian citizens

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and Prince Saud al-Faisal (FM);

Qatari citizens

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa (PM) and Al Thani Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani;

Jordanian citizens

King Abdullah II ibn al-Hussein and Abdullah Ensour (PM);

The names of the Cabal’s accomplices, ten other individuals from six European nations, can be found in the above-cited documents.

My Complaint cites widespread and systematic violations of laws designed to end the impunity of perpetrators of the most serious crimes that plague the international community. Furthermore, secret and illegal arms transfers from Libya and eastern European nations, primarily through Turkey into Syria, have fueled an enormous bloodbath crime against humanity. Jordan is a particularly serious violator of the Statute, procuring and delivering armaments and allowing foreign intelligence services to operate terrorist mercenary training camps in its own territory. Amazingly, Jordan is a signatory to abide by the provisions of the same Statute it has violated. A special place for Jordan’s two principals should be reserved at the Detention Center.

The evidence of the crimes of all of these infamous leaders is solid. It is up to the Court’s Chief Prosecutor to launch a detailed investigation to bring the Cabal and its accomplices to trial. I argue for their immediate arrest because they behave like uncontrollable serial murders who lie and kill with impunity. And they are now about bombing the very same group(s) they have armed.

The prime minister of Turkey, America’s naughty-boy enabler, unable to protect the borders of his own country, now argues to train more “moderate” fighters and topple Bashar al-Assad. This is where the current catastrophe began, with Erdoğan supplying his “moderate” al-Nusra friends with weapons. This would be laughable if it weren’t so criminal—a head of state admitting that he intends to continue committing war crimes! This alone deserves arrest. But this is the attitude and manner of speech of the Cabal. I have yet to hear any expert—and, as we all know, only experts appear on television—speak about the overwhelming illegality of this rape of Syria.

Oh, but won’t ISIS or ISID or ISIS and some violent Muslim from the Arab world or Florida or Minnesota or Dublin, Ireland come and slit our throats so much it will make our heads spin?

A good, logical question. My answer is, with what? If the criminals from the Criminal Cabal are now in jail, the page turns. The new page has no money, no weapons, no black market oil flowing into Turkey, no uniforms, no white vehicles, no nothing. No financing, no war. Too simple? Think about it…and think about the above list of criminal politicians and their hacks who are determining the future of our children and grandchildren. Arrest them, now!

Law and life are sacred things. Without the former, the latter is valueless and predatory. Today, we approach that sad condition. When it doesn’t suit their immediate interest, nations honor bound to abide by the humane purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations blithely ignore their airy promises and attempt to destroy sovereign nations not to their liking. Talk is cheap and bombs are loud and deadly.

Lies and deceptions fuel barbaric, murderous hordes on the payrolls of the great powers and their secretive intelligence operators. Justice too long delayed is justice denied, said Martin Luther King almost fifty years ago. Can we not arrest this rush to chaos, this deadly, immoral, illegal marathon of aggression? Only the law can stop these deadly, dark powers. This court, the International Criminal Court, is now the only judicial institution that can save the international community that it has pledged to protect.

But with the courageous support and determination of the International Criminal Court we, the vast majority of peace-loving members of the international community, can become a huge force for international restraint and even peace.

But first we must eliminate the toxic, morally corrupt “leadership” that knows only hate, violence and treachery. We can do it. We are smarter and braver than all the ignoramuses that put the world in this catastrophic condition. Put them away forever! Let them spend the rest of their lives trying to understand the dark sarcasm that they’re now just another brick in four walls without bricks.!-Leaders!-Leave-Our-Kids-Alone!/3040#.VD-2CcscRdh

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